After whole day of training boys during parade yet received so many complains, after whole day with small kids yet have to wait till every single of them went home then only can leave,after whole day of unsatisfication(some call it 'tak puas-ness') and yet have to smile to each members. In between of all this, a missunderstood occurs to this two officers(top there), they run out of thoughts and come to a situation where they have to settle it face to face with MAN's way! This is the only way to show and proff that which are the most MAN. They belive that this is the
only way gain back trust from others and gain
Who will be the winner? One is TALL! WELL BUILDED! The other one is SMART! TRICKY!
And so, let the WAR BEGAiN....
THE WINNER--------------------------------------------------------------
nEvEr eStiMat3 YOUR limItZ..
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